
MASA originated from the partnership between Modena City Council and the University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, with the collaboration of the Ministry for Infrastructures and Transport, with the further support of the Emilia Romagna Regional Council.

The programme was activated by the Fondazione Democenter, as part of the RER (Rete Alta Tecnologia). Maserati S.p.a. is the first among the companies to put its name to it, and the activities are developed hand in hand with the Modena Autodrome, AD Consulting S.p.a. and Danisi Engineering as main partners.

MASA has received the endorsement of the Chamber of Commerce, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena and ACI Modena. The MASA events are staged in collaboration with Fondazione San Carlo.

MASA is open to collaboration with companies as well as public and private subjects from the automotive sector and ICT-connectivity, as well as sectors that transversally intersect these themes.
